Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shout out to the husband...oh yeah!

Listen, I know I have a great husband. He cooks for me, shops for me, and basically caters to my every whim. Not everyone has that, not by a long shot. And, to top it off, and don't tell anyone, he is really freaken hot! Smoken. Now that he has shaved off his goatee (spell?), I can see his smile lines again and they are sooooo cute. I love to rub my face against his. Wait, this is a family blog. Anyway, my point is I know I have a great husband and everyone wants one like him. But he has been even more incredible then normal. Every year we come up with some crazy idea for Halloween. We both just love it. Our kids have no choice but to participate. Anyway, this year is a space theme. Elle has been obsessed with space since summer school. We came up with the idea for our Halloween theme. The problem is that time just got away from us. We worked pretty steadily on Elle's costume, and I got my costume for work done (candy to follow). The problem was the rest of them. Let's just say it is really hard to create the Apollo space shuttle and the galaxy all in one week. Well, Keith did it. I had my doubts, but I can't wait to show you what he did. The space shuttle is just amazing. Too bad we aren't going to a costume contest somewhere, because this year we (he) outdid ourselves. Bravo.

You will have to wait until Sunday to see the pictures. But let me just tell you, it will be worth the wait. I want to give a big shout out to the best husband ever!!! Thanks for all your hard work this week. The kids love it and so do I!

Can I tell you that because of the space theme the kids are not going to be able to wear their costumes to school. I had decided I was not going to make another costume because it was just to much work. at school everyone was talking about the costume parade and the guilt just started to eat away at me. I went to target tonight and gave it the old college try. I think I made some pretty cute dalmatian costumes at the last minute. I will post some pictures tomorrow so you can see. Oh well, the Mommy guilt had to happen sometime. Stay tuned for lots of pictures. The Galaxy awaits you!

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