Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dance Recital

Elle and Pierce had a dance recital last night. They both did great. I was especially impressed with how well Pierce did. He has already been saying he doesn't want to do dance again next school year so I wasn't expecting much from the performance. However, he did great. He really got into it. The great thing about their dance is it is after school on school campus. We don't have to take them anywhere, the dance instructors come to them. Here are a few pictures we took before the recital.

Pierce's' is the first video below. He is the one between the girls. Enjoy. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Elle finds her inner model!

Yesterday Elle decided to get dressed up to go to the Rattlers football game. It was employee appreciation night for St. Joe's and we all went. I thought Elle looked very pretty in her outfit and at first she refused to take pictures. It drives me crazy when she will not let me take a few pictures of her, but something happened. I don't know if she decided she looked beautiful too, but her inner model came out. Here are a few of the pictures we took. It started here at the house, but when we got to Rattlers game she wanted me to take more. Luckily there was great lighting and a tree that she could hang out in. I must say the girl is a natural.

Here are the ones at the game. She figured out how to give the pouty look.

I thought this one was a funny because it looks like a fan is blowing her hair back.

Thinking deep thoughts below.....hmmmmm.....will I get popcorn, hot dogs, and nachos at the game??? I wonder. .....

Who me, I didn't lose a hat and scarf 45 minutes after Mommy bought them. Look at this face, how could I possibly do that???

Pierce had to get into the action. Don't you love his Blue Steel look. Priceless.

Well, I guess modeling can really wear you out. Kind of looks like she had too much to drink, but really I think it was all the food.