Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween this year snuck up on me. I always say I'm going to start early, but I never do. This year our theme was Star Wars Clone Wars. Because I didn't start early enough, I made Elle and Keith's costumes, but bought Pierce's and mine. I don't think I could have made mine even if I wanted to. You will soon see. Anyway, we went to our friends Jennifer and Rich again this year. They have an awesome neighborhood that really gets into Halloween. They had a block party "potluck" before the trick-or-treating festivities which was great. Around six everyone packed up and started going for it. The kids really scored on the candy. I am sure we will be throwing plenty away come Christmas. As soon as we got to the party the kids took off so we didn't get a lot of pictures. We will be taking more this weekend for our annual Christmas cards and I will post more then. In the mean time, here are a few from last night.

Elle went as Ahsoko Tano. She is from the Clone Wars. She is an alien that has tentacles. I couldn't think of how to create a head piece for her but Keith came through. The first picture is with just her costume. I made all of her costume which came out great.

This is the head piece. She wore it a little, but didn't keep it on very long because she was running the entire time and it kept falling off. It did look great. It's amazing what a little duct tape can do!

Pierce wasn't very cooperative with getting his picture taken. He looked soo cute.

Random cute picture. :)

My costume was very interesting. I ordered it because I couldn't find a pattern for a jump suit. It was very cheap and too short in the torso. For all you women out there, I think you know what it did to the crotch area. I decided to make a little loin cloth to cover up that area. I also made a cape because this was a pretty "revealing" costume. I did find a body suit to wear under it that helped.
I made Keith's robe and tunic. I think it turned out great too. Keith worked on his beard all week which added to the effect.

Overall I think the costumes turned out great. I was sewing up until a few minutes before we left, but that's how I roll.
Here is a little footage of Keith verifying he is a cool Dad. I also participated in the light saber fight, but there is no footage of it. I'm cool too.
I told Elle last week that not all parents dress up for Halloween and she looked at me with big eyes and said "that's really weird."
Mission accomplished.

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