Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trip to Tucson

I am a little late in reporting our trip to Tucson. Halloween took up a lot of time so I am just now getting to it. A few weekends ago we set off to see our wonderful friends Kristen and Dave. They recently moved to Tucson (sniff, sniff) and we thought it was time to go see their new digs. Plus, we have never really been to Tucson so it would be cool. There is only one problem with a trip to see them. We apparently all act like teenagers with their very first two liter of purple passion on a back country rode way past curfew. I always vow I will not drink red wine and I will only have two glasses of whatever (but NOT red wine). the end of the night there were at least eight glasses of wine surrounding us all. Keith couldn't get off the chair. Dave couldn't walk, not to mention I barely remember the conversation Dave and I had but I think it revolved around the G spot....maybe mine but who can tell. I should always make sure to stock up on some ibuprofen before hanging out with those two. You know your drunk when your friend offers to loan you her bike and you start crying. What a baby.

Below is a picture of Dave at the beginning of the night and the next morning with his sun glasses and coffee. He slept the latest, but I think he was probably the drunkest. We went on a pretty cool trip the next day with the kids. I wish I could tell you where it was, but since I had a killer headache most the day, I just concentrated on not puking out the tram. The kids had a great time.

The kids did so great together this trip. I think everyone has matured a little more. Not much fighting at all. I sure do miss those guys. I think we are all kindred spirits. The next time we see them I will definitely be sure to practice my serenity prayer:

God grant me the courage to accept the things I can not change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

And the modified serenity prayer for Kristen and Dave:

God grant me the courage to say no to red wine;
courage to throw it away when Kristen pours it my glass;
and the wisdom to never have a deep conversation with Dave when I am drunk!

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