Friday, October 15, 2010

Elle's 7th Birthday

Elle's birthday was September 26th. I am a little late getting this blog out. In fact, I haven't blogged since August. I am officially a blogging loser. Once the triathlon was over, so was my motivation. But....I have started training for the Rock 'n' Roll half marathon so maybe that will give me more motivation. Who knows.

Anyhoo, Elle had a swim party for her 7th birthday. We decided to have it at the club house of our condo. It turned out great. The kids had an awesome time. I can't say we spent less money, but a good time was had by all. Oh, well, maybe not for the kid in the back of this photo on the noodle. Apparently she almost drowned three times...even though she could stand up. That's a story for a different day. Here are a few pictures of the kids playing in the pool. If I was a great comedian, I am sure I could come up with a caption for this picture. Elle holding a cup and her friend with the bucket on her head. Any idea?

Look how big this girl is. I can't even believe it. Seven. How did that happen?

I already know the green clumps of "grass" on this cake look like poo. Elle loves this cake because it was a pet shop cake. Anyone who has kids Elle's age knows what pet shops are.

Here is Elle's second cake. Since she doesn't actually like birthday care, we made a rice crispy cake for her. The kids loved both.

Ryan and Sophia given a little knuckle.
I think Sophia had a good time.

What you can't see are the puddles of water on the floor as they ate their pizza sopping wet.

Hey good lookin. Love the smile.

Right before Elle perched in this chair she announced to everyone it was her birthday and everyone had to do what she says. Funny, she is still saying that and her birthday was a month ago.

We gave her our birthday presents the next day which included a new bike. She was very excited. So far we have practiced once. A couple more times and I think she will have it.

Oh, hey good lookin. You again?

I think you can guess what's on Pierce's list for his birthday. Look at him eyeing the bike with pure envy.

Happy 7th Birthday Elle. You are such a joy. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. I can't wait to see what this year brings.

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