2/15 Swim
- Not sure how far I went, but I swam for 40 minutes. I decided not to keep track and just swim. Seemed to feel ok at the end.
2/16 Off
2/17 Run
- Nobody seemed interested in bootcamp this week and frankly I was happy. I just didn't think I could muster the energy to lead a class. Instead I went to the gym. 30 minute run at 9 1/2 minute miles.
2/18 Legs/Shoulders
- Light leg day with heavy shoulders. I was trying to make up for no bootcamp the day before.
2/19 Spin
- 30 minutes on the spin bike....pure torture. Average HR 150. Yuck.
2/20 Long Run
- Raining. Total bummer. I had to run inside. 5 miles on the treadmill feels like forever!!!!
2/21 Bike
- Raining again. 1 hour on the spin bike....oh my. How impossible. The only thing that kept me going was the string of weird people that would come into the aerobics room. The funniest was the old man whose workout was walking around in a circle and then throwing a racket ball up in the air to catch it. He did it for about 30 minutes. It was pretty entertaining!
2/22 Swim
- Warm up 500 meters, 10 x 50 meters, cool down 500 meters. This workout gave me a little vertigo, but it only last for about 30 minutes. Hopefully that doesn't happen during the race.
2/23 Run
- Today was speed workout. Warm up 10 minute run. Speed intervals 2 minutes at 7 1/2 minute mile, walk for 75 seconds, cool down 10 minute run. Total Distance = 4 miles. This was hard.
2/24 Bootcamp
- We did stations. We hadn't done these for awhile because the class had gotten to big. We ended with wheel barrels. These are fun but hard. Average HR = 150
2/25 Off (Big mistake)
2/26 Legs/Abs
- I started with squats. This usually makes my legs hurt. Not sure why I decided to do it. I should have known I would pay for it the next day.
2/27 Bike
- I usually do my long bike on Sunday, but the weather forecast called for rain on Sunday and I just couldn't stand the idea of doing another hour of spin bike so I changed it up. I took a new route that had a lot more hills. Total Miles = 27, Average MPH 15.5, Average HR = 145. The really unfortunate part of the bike ride came in the last three miles. For some reason mike bike seat loosened up and the back end dropped a little causing the front to come up. Well let me tell you that subtle change made it feel like there were a thousand knives stabbing me in a not so friendly place. It was a painful last three miles to my house. Ouch.
2/28 Run
- Raining again. Oh my. 6 miles on the treadmill. It actually wasn't too bad since the Olympics were on and it gave me something to watch. Average HR = 149.
Another two weeks of training completed. I can tell I need to step it up on the bike. Everything else seems to be coming along, it's just that it really hurts when I ride the bike. I hope to find a way to ride the bike twice a week soon.