Sunday, April 11, 2010

Family Pictures

Last May we had family pictures taken. The photographer was having some family issues and never got around to making a photo album I had requested. She felt pretty bad about it so sent us all the pictures she had taken on disk for free! Wow. That was very generous. Anyway, I thought I would post some of them. I realize it is a shameless display of my family, but it is my blog so why not. Here are a few of my favorites.

I can't believe how much the kids have changed since May. I understand why people have family pictures taken every year. Hope you enjoyed.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

The Easter bunny came to our house yesterday, did he come to yours? He even left a little fur in the door and some foot prints on the floor. I am sure with all the houses he has to visits he gets a little dirty. The kids had a great time. I think they enjoy Easter almost as much as Christmas. Elle told me it's because of the candy. I believe it. Here are some pictures from yesterday. I had some video of them looking for eggs, but for some reason it deleted off the camera.

You can't see it in this picture, but Henely got a basket too. The Easter bunny is soo considerate.

After we went to the gym in the morning we took them to Pump it up. For $10 a kid they got to jump for 1 1/2 hours and had an egg hunt in one of the bounce areas. It was a perfect way to work off all the candy.

As you can see, trying to take a picture with Henley doesn't work out too well. I think Henley gets the raw end of the deal.

I hope everyone had a great Easter.