Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lemonade/Cookie Stand

Today was a big day for the kids. Elle planned a lemonade stand last week. We also threw in some cookies to try to make a little extra money. They did pretty well. After going door to door to invite the neighbors, we pretty much had a little block party. We even had a few people stop after seeing the signs Keith put up. I think the kids drank more of the lemonade, and I know for sure Pierce ate his weight in cookies, but it was fun.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Overdue for blogging.

I guess my resolution to blog three times a week didn't last long. Things just seem to get so busy there is no time to sit and write. Plus, I think I am realizing my life just isn't that exciting. Anyhoo, my training had been going pretty well until Thursday. It started on Wednesday night with a little tickle in the back of my throat while I was drinking my St. Patrick's day beer. Thursday I started having a headache and sore throat. By Friday I was absolutely sure I had strep throat. I woke up at 4:30 Friday morning and couldn't even swallow. By 11:30 on was on my way to urgent care. By the time I left, my fever was 101 and I was aching all over. The rapid strep came back negative, but the doctor was convinced it was strep as well and gave me antibiotics. Needless to say today was the first day I worked out since Wednesday. I did lift weights today and ran 3 miles, but I thought I was going to pass out. I will try to step it up this week and get back on track. I officially signed up for my sprint triathlon on May 17. It starts at 6:30 in the morning. I am excited. It will be nice to get an idea of how I will do. Initially I thought it would be great to just finish. For those of you that know me a little better, my competitive nature can not stand for that. I want to at least be in the top 10%. We will see. I will be back on the training path again this week and try to get back into blogging. I have a lot of sewing to do the next couple of weeks as well. I will try to post pictures of my newest creations!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fun in Flagstaff!

Keith's parents are in town this week. We decided to let the kids play hookie yesterday and took them to the sled park in Flagstaff. They have never really played in the snow before. They had a great time. Neither one of them was really that scared. A couple of times I had to go down the big hill with Elle first, but once she realized she would be fine she did it on her own. Pierce was actually more fearless then her. I think it is because he is younger. Here is a little video of one of the bigger hills.

More Henley

He is sooo cute how can I not blog about him. Enjoy the cute video I took. He went with us to the sled park in Flagstaff yesterday. My battery went dead on the camera so I didn't get any pictures, but he loved it. He went down in the sled a couple of times. He was adorable.