Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Workout Roundup

It's time for my weekly workout summary. As you can tell I have not done so well blogging three times a week. Last week was tough. I had trouble sleeping every night last week. The first three nights I took an Ambien. However I didn't want to keep taking that all week so on Wednesday night I ended up with 3 hours sleep. Ugh. I have slept like the dead the last three nights so hopefully my week of insomnia is over.

Monday 1/25 -Swim
  • I am starting to feel a little stronger with my swimming. Once I settle into it I feel like I can swim pretty far. Warm up = 200 meters, Swim 1250 meters, Cool Down = 100 meters.

Tuesday 1/26 - Bicep/Triceps/Run

  • Once again I did not get to go to spin class tonight. It seems the New Year resolutions crew have thwarted any attempts to make it to spin. The class starts at 5:30 but all the bikes were taken by 4:55. These people also don't work. So, I had to do something else. I decided to do some strength training and run. I jogged for 10 minutes, did 3 minute intervals at 7.5 with 2 minute intervals at 6.4 for 20 minutes and then I walked for five minutes. It was tough!

Wednesday 1/27 - Bootcamp

  • Had a tough time a bootcamp. I think I was dehydrated and having some weird affect from the Ambien. By the end of the class I was extremely overheated and had to cut it short. Everyone said I was dripping sweat more then usual and very red faced. I definitely did not feel well. It was a good bootcamp even with the overheating.

Thursday 1/28 - Nada, nothing, zippo

Friday 1/29 - Swim

  • I decided to do some swim sprints. Warm up = 500 meters, 10 x 50 meter sprints, Cool down = 500. The sprints were hard. Halfway through I had a stitch in my side. Ouch. Made it hard to keep swimming.

Saturday 1/30 - Run

  • This was my long run. I planned on doing six miles but was giving myself an out in case I couldn't. I had some wacko plan to do a leg workout when I got to the gym. Yeah, right. Anyway, I didn't wimp out and managed the 6 miles. I had a head wind 4 miles of it. It took me longer then normal, but it is the longest I have ever run at one time. Total time = 56.5 minutes.

Sunday 1/31 - Legs/Back/Bike

  • So I changed my crazy idea of doing legs from the run day to the bike day. I was supposed to have done legs on Thursday, but as you can see I did nothing that day. I did a light leg workout as well as back. I think I need to keep my back in good shape as it will help me be a stronger swimmer. I then head out from the gym on the bike. My first mistake was that I only had a small bowl of cheerios for breakfast. I did drink a power aid at the gym, but it was not enough given I worked out for an hour before heading out on the bike. I rode up 32nd street which then turned into Rose Garden (I think) to Cave Creek. I then rode out Cave Creek for about 8 miles. There is a lot of traffic on Cave Creek, but the bike lanes are big so I felt pretty safe. I then made a pit stop at a park bathroom and then headed back south on Cave Creek. I turned West on Deer Valley. That's about where I started to bonk. Next time I will plan better for sure. I then went down Deer Valley to 7th avenue. My plan was to head to Moon Valley park to meet up with Keith and the kids, but I couldn't make it. I turned around and went back down Deer Valley to 7th Street and headed home. My stomach was growling and my legs felt like jello. Luckily when I got home Keith and the kids were leaving the park so I didn't have to wait long. Total Bike = 21.37 miles, Average Speed = 15.7, Max Speed = 22.2, Average HR = 139. Next week I plan on doing a longer ride but without the leg workout first and with more calories.

That about sums it up. Next weeks goal is to increase my bike mileage and maybe find some hills. I also want to try seven miles, but that may be a bit much. Superbowl weekend so I plan on chowing on some major bad food. Go Colts!!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A new family member!

Saturday we drove to Apache Junction to look at Basset Hound puppies. We have been trying to decide on what type of dog to get since we had to find a new home for Bono. We knew for sure that we did not want to get another Chihuahua. Our close friend Kim who came to visit us over the holidays used to have a Basset named Maggie. She was a great dog and very good with kids. Kim helped convince us that this would be a great dog to get for the kids. So...we drove to see the puppies. Wow, they were all so cute. It was very hard to decided but we picked this little guy. He was the squishiest of them all. He also had the biggest belly. They had just eaten dog food for the first time and he apparently ate too much. He looked to be the laziest of them all. Keith liked that. Low maintenance. We will be able to pick him up in a couple of weeks. The kids wanted to take him home right then. He fell asleep in Elle's lap and it was very hard to seperate the two. Stay tuned for more pictures once we get him home.

Sunday Workout Roundup

I have decided to summarize my weekly workouts on Sunday. My hope is that it keeps me motivated and it lets me see my progress. The week started off a little rough, but the last three days have been great!

Sunday 1/17-Leg/Chest Workout

  • This did not go so well. My legs were sore from the run the day before. I could barely lift any weight. Decided to move my leg workout to Thursdays.
Monday 1/18 - Nothing (Legs and chest killing me!)

Tuesday 1/19 - Bike/Run

  • For the second week in a row I missed my spin class. I left work 15 minutes early but because it was raining and the Arizonians could not drive over 45 mph so I was late to the gym and didn't get a bike. I rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes and ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes. Average HR 140.
Wednesday 1/20 - Bootcamp

  • Great class. A few new people showed up. We all decided that in two weeks we are dressing up in 80's workout clothes. Don't worry, I will get a lot of great pictures. I even agreed to 10 minutes of Sweatin to the Oldies....that should be hilarious!!
Thursday 1/21 - Off (raining cats and way was I going to try the freeway.)

Friday 1/22 - Swim

  • The first 10 minutes I thought I was going to drown. I did finally get some ear plugs so I was hoping I would not get vertigo. It seemed to work. I warmed up for 10 minutes between breast stroke and free style, then did free style for 30 minutes. Jenni and I both discovered that 1 mile does not equal 1,000 meter. It actually equals 1500 meters, which means an additional 10 laps (down and back). I timed my last 500 meters and it took me 15 minutes. Hopefully that means I can do the total distance in 45 minutes come race day. It may be different when I am being splashed in the face with water!!!
Saturday 1/23 -Run

  • Today was my long run. I had to be at the bike store at 9:15 to have my bike fitted, so I decided to run home from the gym. I tried to drink enough water the night before and did not have any alcohol (that was tough). It was cooler then normal outside which I think helped. I averaged a 9 minute mile and ran 5 miles in 44 minutes. I ran for a total of 5.4 miles, that is the farthest I have run.... ever. Not to shabby. Average HR was 160.
Sunday 1/24 - Bike

  • Today was the first day I rode the bike. I had it fitted yesterday and purchased the essentials: Helmet, bike shorts (aka-diaper shorts), and bike gloves. It was very cool this morning, so I wore my bike shorts under my tights to keep warm. I was extremely nervous. This was the first time I had ever ridden a clip less pedal bike. I was convinced my noggin would be hitting the pavement. I was also scared I would be hit be a crazy driver. I decided to do the Moon Valley route because it was close to my house and not in a high traffic area. However, I had to ride down 7th street to Coral Gables to get started. The intersection of Bell and 7th street is extremely busy. I had to keep calming myself down as I rode. I think my heart rate was 170 just from nerves. Once I finally made it to the route, things got better. Since it was my first bike ride I decided to take it easy. Total miles = 19, average mph = 15, average HR = 144. Next Sunday I will do a 30 mile ride. Hopefully I will stay alive.

Overall not too bad of a training week. I am having difficulty getting all my strength training in. My plan is to have Wednesday and Thursdays be strength training days. Hopefully that will work!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Chronicles of Snagflaff (co-written by Keith and Heather Walker)

It is a well-known fact that the town of Whoville exists on a single snowflake.

Unique. Singular.

Its topography is equally well-known -- the brutal thrust of Mount Crumpet, the shape of Whoville itself, dwelling in the bowl of the valley like bizarre, industrial extrusions of confection candy made into homes. And, of course . . .

Everyone knows of the unnatural event that heralded the arrival of the Grinch. That strange wind. A violent snowstorm. Baskets of Who-Babies floating in the breeze like dandelion spores . . . with the exception of the Grinch, malicious and filled with a green sense of glee in his black, funerary basket.

The arrival of the Grinch threw Whoville into great disarray. They believed they knew the order of the Snowflake, both socially and geographically. Later, after the Grinch had matured and “The Great Christmas Incident” unfolded, the Whos in Whoville once again evaluated their place within the vast scheme of the Snowflake, and, once again, they were satisfied with their conclusions. They believed they understood the lay of the land. Beyond Mount Crumpet lay a vast expanse of impenetrable mountain ranges as far as the eye could see (precisely 3.915 miles). The Grinch, surely, had arrived due to a collision of snowflakes.

Yet, little did they know, on the same night the Grinch arrived in Whoville, another basket draped in white was borne upon that errant wind. A wind that drifted precisely four miles to the East . . . on the same snowflake . . .

Into the town of Snagflaff.

Toothless Grin

 Elle lost her front tooth. It's just a matter of time before her entire grill is messed up. It will be a few years before we see the nice, neat little smile. Oh well, she is still pretty cute! I am always amazed how much my children look alike. Same smile, same sweet little faces. The only differance is the eye color. Wow, I am lucky.

Monday, January 18, 2010

We are going to Snagflaff.....4 miles east of Whoville!

As we were driving to swim lessons tonight, Elle announced that it was about time to go to Snagflaff. What is Snagflaff you might ask? As Keith and I pondered as well, we both decided it had to be a Dr. Seuss town. Probably 4 miles east of Whoville. The other side of the track. We think the Grinch was headed to Snagflaff when he was derailed and sent to Whoville instead. That must mean some poor schlep Who ended up in Snagflaff. Stay tuned for the untold story of the Who who ended up in Whohell............

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back to Blogging

I have finally made it back to the blogging world. My plan was to do a summary of Thanksgiving through Christmas, but our computer went into crisis. We had to get a new hard drive and when Keith loaded everything from the old drive I can't find any of our pictures from the last month. I am sure they are somewhere, but oh well. I guess it is time to start fresh. I thought I would start with my New Year resolutions. I know, I know, but if you don't write them down then they won't happen. So, here goes:

1. Complete a Sprint and Olympic distance Triathlon.
2. Learn to play the guitar.
3. Start Grad school this year.
4. Blog three times a week.

That's it. I think those are all pretty hefty goals so I don't need anymore. #2 and #3 will have to wait until #1 is completed before I start those. Training for a Triathlon takes up a lot of time (and a lot of money). I will be completing the Olympic Triathlon in August in Idaho. The family and Keith's parents along with my friends who are also competing will be making a vacation out of it. Knowing you have people there to cheer you helps keep you motivated. This morning I ran 4.59 miles in 42.24 minutes. For those of you who don't know what an Olympic Triathlon consists of, it is 1 mile swim, 26 mile bike, and 6 mile run. The sprint distance is half of that. I am not crazy enough to do an Iron Man. My motto is any race that might make you crap your pants in the middle of it is not worth it! Call me crazy.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.